Medical Practice Lawyers

Medical practice lawyers for doctors

Buying, Selling, or Starting up a Medical Practice? Have you had your legal and corporate documents reviewed by medical practice lawyers to maintain your existing medical practice’s compliance?

In addition to the challenges that practicing medicine has always presented, today, as a physician you have to be a savvy businessperson, constantly quibble with the insurance companies, Medicare, and Medicaid, and at the same time worry about compliance with the False Claims Act, Stark Law, and Anti-Kickback statutes. The medical field has become increasingly regulated and many doctors run afoul of these statutes, often innocently and only because they are not familiar with the laws and regulations. The frequent prosecution of doctors makes it all that important for physicians and medical offices to be represented by experienced medical practice lawyers.

Certain medical transactions trigger a number of these statutes and may be violated without any intent on the part of the physician. Due to the nature of these ever-changing laws, rules, and regulations, you should have the advice of proper medical practice lawyer when entering into medical transactions whether it is for selling or buying a medical practice, entering into an associate employment contract, or a commercial real estate transaction for buying, selling, or leasing office space for a medical practice.

medical practice lawyers

The Benefits of Representation by our Medial Practice Lawyers

While you should be excited about starting a new medical office, you should take the appropriate steps to minimize any potential liabilities. As an experienced medical practice lawyers, we can represent you in buying or selling your medical practice from “A to Z’ including your letter of intent, purchase agreement, due diligence and Closing. If you are starting up a new medical office, our medical practice lawyers can help you choose and form the proper business entity, whether an LLC, PC, or a partnership. I can help you prepare for various business contingencies through shareholder agreements, operating agreements, and partnership agreements. I can also represent you in buying-in or buying-out of a practice as a shareholder, a member, or a partner, drafting and reviewing associate employment contracts, as well as selling, buying, and leasing commercial real estate for your offices. Finally, as an experienced litigator I can vigorously prosecute or defend your rights in court if you have a partnership dispute or a contract dispute with third parties.

Medical Practice Lawyers for Legal Matters Related to Existing Medical Practices

If you already own a practice, as experienced medical practice lawyers for medical offices, we can help you prepare for various business contingencies through shareholder agreements, operating agreements, and partnership agreements. We can also represent you in buying-in or buying-out of a practice, drafting and reviewing associate employment contracts, as well as selling, buying, and leasing commercial real estate for your medical office. Finally, as an experienced litigator I can vigorously prosecute or defend your rights in court if you have a partnership dispute or commercial dispute with third parties. 

Book Your Consultation with Kamkari Law’s Healthcare Attorney, whether you are buying, selling, or starting up a medical practice or for your legal matters for your existing practice.

Kamkari Law – Healthcare Attorney

Medical Practice Lawyers

Member of Maryland Bar

Member of DC Bar

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